curobo.graph.graph_base module¶
- class GraphResult(
- success: torch.Tensor,
- start_q: torch.Tensor,
- goal_q: torch.Tensor,
- path_length: torch.Tensor | None = None,
- solve_time: float = 0.0,
- plan: List[List[torch.Tensor]] | None = None,
- interpolated_plan: curobo.types.state.JointState | None = None,
- metrics: curobo.rollout.rollout_base.RolloutMetrics | None = None,
- valid_query: bool = True,
- debug_info: Any | None = None,
- optimized_dt: torch.Tensor | None = None,
- path_buffer_last_tstep: List[int] | None = None,
- interpolated_plan: JointState | None = None¶
- metrics: RolloutMetrics | None = None¶
- class Graph(
- nodes: torch.Tensor,
- edges: torch.Tensor,
- connectivity: torch.Tensor,
- shortest_path_lengths: torch.Tensor | None = None,
- get_node_distance()¶
- class GraphConfig(
- max_nodes: int,
- steer_delta_buffer: int,
- sample_pts: int,
- node_similarity_distance: float,
- rejection_ratio: int,
- k_nn: int,
- c_max: float,
- vertex_n: int,
- graph_max_attempts: int,
- graph_min_attempts: int,
- init_nodes: int,
- use_bias_node: bool,
- dof: int,
- bounds: torch.Tensor,
- tensor_args: curobo.types.base.TensorDeviceType,
- rollout_fn: curobo.rollout.rollout_base.RolloutBase,
- safety_rollout_fn: curobo.rollout.rollout_base.RolloutBase,
- max_buffer: int,
- max_cg_buffer: int,
- compute_metrics: bool,
- interpolation_type: curobo.util.trajectory.InterpolateType,
- interpolation_steps: int,
- seed: int,
- use_cuda_graph_mask_samples: bool,
- distance_weight: torch.Tensor,
- bias_node: torch.Tensor,
- interpolation_dt: float = 0.02,
- interpolation_deviation: float = 0.05,
- interpolation_acceleration_scale: float = 0.5,
- tensor_args: TensorDeviceType¶
- rollout_fn: RolloutBase¶
- safety_rollout_fn: RolloutBase¶
- interpolation_type: InterpolateType¶
- static from_dict(
- graph_dict: Dict,
- tensor_args: TensorDeviceType,
- rollout_fn: RolloutBase,
- safety_rollout_fn: RolloutBase,
- use_cuda_graph: bool = True,
- static load_from_robot_config(
- robot_cfg: str | Dict | RobotConfig,
- world_model: str | Dict | WorldConfig | None = None,
- tensor_args: TensorDeviceType = TensorDeviceType(device=device(type='cuda', index=0), dtype=torch.float32, collision_geometry_dtype=torch.float32, collision_gradient_dtype=torch.float32, collision_distance_dtype=torch.float32),
- world_coll_checker: WorldCollision | None = None,
- base_cfg_file: str = 'base_cfg.yml',
- graph_file: str = 'graph.yml',
- self_collision_check: bool = True,
- use_cuda_graph: bool = True,
- seed: int | None = None,
- class GraphPlanBase(
- config: GraphConfig | None = None,
- check_feasibility(x_set)¶
- get_feasible_sample_set(
- x_samples,
- mask_samples(x_samples)¶
- _mask_samples_cuda_graph(
- x_samples,
- _mask_samples(x_samples)¶
- _cuda_graph_rollout_constraint(
- x_samples,
- use_batch_env=False,
- _sample_pts(
- n_samples=None,
- bounded=False,
- unit_ball=False,
- seed=123,
- reset_buffer()¶
- get_biased_vertex_set(
- x_start,
- x_goal,
- c_max=10.0,
- c_min=1,
- n=None,
- lazy=False,
- _compute_rotation_frame(
- x_start,
- x_goal,
- get_new_vertex_set(
- n=None,
- lazy=False,
- validate_graph()¶
- get_graph_edges()¶
Return edges in the graph with start node and end node locations
- Returns:
- get_graph()¶
- _validate_graph()¶
- _get_graph_shortest_path(
- start_node_idx,
- goal_node_idx,
- return_length=False,
- batch_get_graph_shortest_path(
- start_idx_list,
- goal_idx_list,
- return_length=False,
- batch_shortcut_path(
- g_path,
- start_idx,
- goal_idx,
- get_path_lengths(goal_idx)¶
- path_exists(
- start_node_idx,
- goal_node_idx,
- batch_path_exists(
- start_idx_list,
- goal_idx_list,
- all_paths=False,
- find_paths( ) GraphResult ¶
- abstract _find_paths(
- x_search,
- c_search,
- x_init,
- compute_path_length(path)¶
- reset_graph()¶
- _distance(
- pt,
- batch_pts,
- norm=True,
- distance(
- pt,
- batch_pts,
- norm=True,
- _hybrid_nearest(
- sample_node,
- path,
- radius,
- k_n=10,
- _nearest(
- sample_point,
- current_graph,
- _k_nearest(
- sample_point,
- current_graph,
- k=10,
- _batch_k_nearest(
- sample_point,
- current_graph,
- k=10,
- _near(
- sample_point,
- current_graph,
- radius,
- _batch_steer_and_connect(
- start_nodes,
- goal_nodes,
- add_steer_pts=-1,
- lazy=False,
- add_exact_node=False,
Connect node from start to goal where both are batched.
- _batch_steer(
- start_nodes,
- desired_nodes,
- steer_radius=None,
- add_steer_pts=-1,
- lazy=False,
- _add_batch_edges_to_graph(
- new_nodes,
- start_nodes,
- lazy=False,
- add_exact_node=False,
- add_nodes_to_graph(
- nodes,
- add_exact_node=False,
- _add_unique_nodes_to_graph(
- nodes,
- add_exact_node=False,
- skip_unique_check=False,
- connect_nodes(
- x_set=None,
- connect_mode='knn',
- debug=False,
- lazy=False,
- add_exact_node=False,
- k_nn=10,
- edge_set=None,
- get_paths(path_list)¶
- reset_seed()¶
- reset_cuda_graph()¶
- get_all_rollout_instances() List[RolloutBase] ¶
- static from_dict(
- graph_dict: Dict,
- tensor_args: TensorDeviceType,
- rollout_fn: RolloutBase,
- safety_rollout_fn: RolloutBase,
- use_cuda_graph: bool = True,
- static load_from_robot_config(
- robot_cfg: str | Dict | RobotConfig,
- world_model: str | Dict | WorldConfig | None = None,
- tensor_args: TensorDeviceType = TensorDeviceType(device=device(type='cuda', index=0), dtype=torch.float32, collision_geometry_dtype=torch.float32, collision_gradient_dtype=torch.float32, collision_distance_dtype=torch.float32),
- world_coll_checker: WorldCollision | None = None,
- base_cfg_file: str = 'base_cfg.yml',
- graph_file: str = 'graph.yml',
- self_collision_check: bool = True,
- use_cuda_graph: bool = True,
- seed: int | None = None,
- tensor_args: TensorDeviceType¶
- rollout_fn: RolloutBase¶
- safety_rollout_fn: RolloutBase¶
- interpolation_type: InterpolateType¶
- compute_distance_norm_jit(
- pt,
- batch_pts,
- distance_weight,
- compute_distance_jit(
- pt,
- batch_pts,
- distance_weight,