Configuring a New Robot


Robot Configuration File

To configure a new robot in cuRobo, you need to create a yaml file that can be loaded into curobo.cuda_robot_model.cuda_robot_generator.CudaRobotGeneratorConfig.

We provide a template at curobo/src/curobo/content/configs/robot/template.yml that you can duplicate to build your robot configuration file. The template is displayed below:

        usd_path: "FILL_THIS"
        usd_robot_root: "/robot"
        isaac_usd_path: ""
        usd_flip_joints: {}
        usd_flip_joint_limits: []

        urdf_path: "FILL_THIS"
        asset_root_path: ""

        base_link: "FILL_THIS"
        ee_link: "FILL_THIS"
        link_names: null
        lock_joints: null
        extra_links: null

        collision_link_names: null # List[str]
        collision_spheres: null #
        collision_sphere_buffer: 0.005
        extra_collision_spheres: {}
        self_collision_ignore: null # Dict[str, List[str]]
        self_collision_buffer: null # Dict[str, float]

        use_global_cumul: True
        mesh_link_names: null # List[str]

        joint_names: [] # List[str]
        retract_config: null # List[float]
        null_space_weight: null # List[str]
        cspace_distance_weight: null # List[str]
        max_jerk: 500.0
        max_acceleration: 15.0

An example configuration for the Franka Panda looks like,

        use_usd_kinematics: False
        isaac_usd_path: "/Isaac/Robots/Franka/franka.usd"
        usd_path: "robot/franka_description/franka_panda_meters.usda"
        usd_robot_root: "/panda"
        usd_flip_joints: ["panda_joint1","panda_joint2","panda_joint3","panda_joint4", "panda_joint5",
        "panda_joint6","panda_joint7","panda_finger_joint1", "panda_finger_joint2"]
        usd_flip_joints: {
        "panda_joint1": "Z",
        "panda_joint2": "Z",
        "panda_joint3": "Z",
        "panda_joint4": "Z",
        "panda_joint5": "Z",
        "panda_joint6": "Z",
        "panda_joint7": "Z",
        "panda_finger_joint1": "Y",
        "panda_finger_joint2":  "Y",
        usd_flip_joint_limits: ["panda_finger_joint2"]
        urdf_path: "robot/franka_description/franka_panda.urdf"
        asset_root_path: "robot/franka_description"
        base_link: "base_link"
        ee_link: "panda_hand"
        # link_names: null
        collision_spheres: "spheres/franka_mesh.yml"
        collision_sphere_buffer: 0.003 #0.01
        extra_collision_spheres: {"attached_object": 4}
        use_global_cumul: True
            "panda_link0": ["panda_link1", "panda_link2"],
            "panda_link1": ["panda_link2", "panda_link3", "panda_link4"],
            "panda_link2": ["panda_link3", "panda_link4"],
            "panda_link3": ["panda_link4", "panda_link6"],
            ["panda_link5", "panda_link6", "panda_link7", "panda_link8"],
            "panda_link5": ["panda_link6", "panda_link7", "panda_hand","panda_leftfinger", "panda_rightfinger"],
            "panda_link6": ["panda_link7", "panda_hand", "attached_object", "panda_leftfinger", "panda_rightfinger"],
            "panda_link7": ["panda_hand", "attached_object", "panda_leftfinger", "panda_rightfinger"],
            "panda_hand": ["panda_leftfinger", "panda_rightfinger","attached_object"],
            "panda_leftfinger": ["panda_rightfinger", "attached_object"],
            "panda_rightfinger": ["attached_object"],


            "panda_link0": 0.1,
            "panda_link1": 0.05,
            "panda_link2": 0.0,
            "panda_link3": 0.0,
            "panda_link4": 0.0,
            "panda_link5": 0.0,
            "panda_link6": 0.0,
            "panda_link7": 0.0,
            "panda_hand": 0.0,
            "panda_leftfinger": 0.01,
            "panda_rightfinger": 0.01,
            "attached_object": 0.0,

        lock_joints: {"panda_finger_joint1": 0.04, "panda_finger_joint2": -0.04}
        extra_links: {"attached_object":{"parent_link_name": "panda_hand" ,
        "link_name": "attached_object", "fixed_transform": [0,0,0,1,0,0,0], "joint_type":"FIXED",
        "joint_name": "attach_joint" }}
            joint_names: ["panda_joint1","panda_joint2","panda_joint3","panda_joint4", "panda_joint5",
            "panda_joint6","panda_joint7","panda_finger_joint1", "panda_finger_joint2"]
            retract_config: [0.0, -1.3, 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0., 0.04, -0.04]
            null_space_weight: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
            cspace_distance_weight: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
            max_acceleration: 15.0
            max_jerk: 500.0

Tutorial with a UR5e robot

We provide prepared assets for the ur5e in curobo/src/curobo/content/assets/ur_description. We prepared the assets using the below instructions. You can skip the below step and directly use the provided assets.

Prepare assets

  1. Create a new folder to keep the urdf and meshes. mkdir robot.

  2. Clone into your catkin workspace and convert the xacro file for ur5e to urdf using rosrun xacro xacro -o robot/ur5e.urdf universal_robot/ur_description/urdf/ur5e.xacro, more details are at

  3. Copy meshes to the robot folder, cp universal_robot/ur_description/meshes/ur5e robot/meshes/ur5e/

  4. Replace all instances of package://ur_description/meshes with meshes/ in ur5e.urdf

Create Configuration File

  1. Copy the template.yml file and name it ur5e.yml

  2. Update urdf_path and asset_root_path to the path of your urdf file and the location of the meshes file.

  3. Update base_link and ee_link to the name of the base link and end-effector link you want to use for Cartesian Pose planning.

  4. Update joint_names in cspace to match the articulated joint names in your urdf.

  5. Set a default collision-free configuration for the robot with retract_config.

  6. Initialize null_space_weight and cspace_distance_weight to a vector of length of joint_names and value 1. If you want to weigh the joints differently use values less than 1.

The configuration file should now look like below:

        usd_path: "robot/ur_description/ur5e.usd"
        usd_robot_root: "/robot"
        isaac_usd_path: ""
        usd_flip_joints: {}
        usd_flip_joint_limits: []

        urdf_path: "robot/ur_description/ur5e.urdf"
        asset_root_path: "robot/ur_description"

        base_link: "base_link"
        ee_link: "tool0"
        link_names: null
        lock_joints: null
        extra_links: null

        collision_link_names: null # List[str]
        collision_spheres: null #
        collision_sphere_buffer: 0.005
        extra_collision_spheres: {}
        self_collision_ignore: null # Dict[str, List[str]]
        self_collision_buffer: null # Dict[str, float]

        use_global_cumul: True
        mesh_link_names: null # List[str]

            joint_names: ['shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint']
            retract_config:  [-1.57, -2.2, 1.9, -1.383, -1.57, 0.00]
            null_space_weight:  [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
            cspace_distance_weight: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
            max_jerk: 500.0
            max_acceleration: 15.0

To enable collision checking, we need to build a sphere model of the robot. We will use NVIDIA Isaac Sim to build the sphere model.

Robot Collision Representation

  1. Install cuRobo in Isaac sim’s python environment by running omni_python -m pip install -e . --no-build-isolation where omni_python is the python script from isaac sim (usually found in ISAAC_SIM_PATH/

  2. Convert the urdf of the robot to usd using: omni_python curobo/examples/isaac_sim/utils/ --robot /{PATH}/ur5e.yml --save_usd. Here {PATH} is the path to your robot file. If you want to use the existing one, just use ur5e.yml, which will load the configuraiton cuRobo’s package.

  3. Launch NVIDIA Isaac Sim and open the converted usd file.

  4. Launch Isaac Utils -> Lula Robot Description Editor and follow the video below:

  1. Once you have the yaml file, copy the collision_spheres: section into your ur5e.yml file. Remove - before each link name as the generated configuration file treats it as a list while cuRobo requires it to be a dictionary.

  2. Add the name of all links that you want to perform collision checking to collision_link_names.


Reduce the radius of the link of your robot that will attach to the world (e.g., base_link) so that when the robot is standing in the ground, it does not trigger a world collision. You can then add an offset for this link in the self_collision_buffer so that the robot will avoid the link during self collision checking.

Your configuration file should look like below,

        usd_path: "robot/ur_description/ur5e.usd"
        usd_robot_root: "/robot"
        isaac_usd_path: ""
        usd_flip_joints: {}
        usd_flip_joint_limits: []

        urdf_path: "robot/ur_description/ur5e.urdf"
        asset_root_path: "robot/ur_description"

        base_link: "base_link"
        ee_link: "tool0"
        link_names: null
        lock_joints: null
        extra_links: null

        collision_link_names: ["shoulder_link", "upper_arm_link", "forearm_link", "wrist_1_link", "wrist_2_link", "wrist_3_link"]
                - "center": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                "radius": 0.1
                - "center": [-0.416, -0.0, 0.143]
                "radius": 0.078
                - "center": [-0.015, 0.0, 0.134]
                "radius": 0.077
                - "center": [-0.14, 0.0, 0.138]
                "radius": 0.062
                - "center": [-0.285, -0.001, 0.139]
                "radius": 0.061
                - "center": [-0.376, 0.001, 0.138]
                "radius": 0.077
                - "center": [-0.222, 0.001, 0.139]
                "radius": 0.061
                - "center": [-0.055, 0.008, 0.14]
                "radius": 0.07
                - "center": [-0.001, -0.002, 0.143]
                "radius": 0.076
                - "center": [-0.01, 0.002, 0.031]
                "radius": 0.072
                - "center": [-0.387, 0.0, 0.014]
                "radius": 0.057
                - "center": [-0.121, -0.0, 0.006]
                "radius": 0.057
                - "center": [-0.206, 0.001, 0.007]
                "radius": 0.057
                - "center": [-0.312, -0.001, 0.006]
                "radius": 0.056
                - "center": [-0.057, 0.003, 0.008]
                "radius": 0.065
                - "center": [-0.266, 0.0, 0.006]
                "radius": 0.057
                - "center": [-0.397, -0.001, -0.018]
                "radius": 0.052
                - "center": [-0.164, -0.0, 0.007]
                "radius": 0.057
                - "center": [-0.0, 0.0, -0.009]
                "radius": 0.047
                - "center": [-0.0, 0.0, -0.052]
                "radius": 0.047
                - "center": [-0.002, 0.027, -0.001]
                "radius": 0.045
                - "center": [0.001, -0.01, 0.0]
                "radius": 0.046
                - "center": [0.0, -0.01, -0.001]
                "radius": 0.047
                - "center": [0.0, 0.008, -0.001]
                "radius": 0.047
                - "center": [0.001, -0.001, -0.036]
                "radius": 0.047
                - "center": [0.001, -0.03, -0.0]
                "radius": 0.047
                - "center": [0.001, 0.001, -0.029]
                "radius": 0.043

        collision_sphere_buffer: 0.005
        extra_collision_spheres: {}
        self_collision_ignore: {} # Dict[str, List[str]]
        self_collision_buffer: null # Dict[str, float]

        use_global_cumul: True
        mesh_link_names: null # List[str]

            joint_names: ['shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint']
            retract_config:  [-1.57, -2.2, 1.9, -1.383, -1.57, 0.00]
            null_space_weight:  [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
            cspace_distance_weight: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
            max_jerk: 500.0
            max_acceleration: 15.0

Next, we will configure the self-collision representation for the robot.

Self Collision Configuration

To handle self-collisions, we use two keys in the file, specifically a self_collision_ignore dictionary that lists which links to ignore self-collision checks for each link. We can fill this with consecutive links in the robot. We map the pairs in both directions, so it’s sufficient to list the link-link pair once (e.g., if you list link-1: [link-2], then it’s not neccessary to add link-1 to link-2 list). In addition some robots might have three links very close together and are kinematically limited to avoid collision, you can add these as well to the dictionary as it will speed-up self collision checks.

We also use a self_collision_buffer to add safety buffers to the spheres. We use this for some robots which use a more conservative geometry for self-collision checks such as the Franka Panda:

Your configuration file should now look as below,

        usd_path: "robot/ur_description/ur5e.usd"
        usd_robot_root: "/robot"
        isaac_usd_path: ""
        usd_flip_joints: {}
        usd_flip_joint_limits: []

        urdf_path: "robot/ur_description/ur5e.urdf"
        asset_root_path: "robot/ur_description"

        base_link: "base_link"
        ee_link: "tool0"
        link_names: null
        lock_joints: null
        extra_links: null

        collision_link_names: ["shoulder_link", "upper_arm_link", "forearm_link", "wrist_1_link", "wrist_2_link", "wrist_3_link"]

                - "center": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                "radius": 0.1
                - "center": [-0.416, -0.0, 0.143]
                "radius": 0.078
                - "center": [-0.015, 0.0, 0.134]
                "radius": 0.077
                - "center": [-0.14, 0.0, 0.138]
                "radius": 0.062
                - "center": [-0.285, -0.001, 0.139]
                "radius": 0.061
                - "center": [-0.376, 0.001, 0.138]
                "radius": 0.077
                - "center": [-0.222, 0.001, 0.139]
                "radius": 0.061
                - "center": [-0.055, 0.008, 0.14]
                "radius": 0.07
                - "center": [-0.001, -0.002, 0.143]
                "radius": 0.076
                - "center": [-0.01, 0.002, 0.031]
                "radius": 0.072
                - "center": [-0.387, 0.0, 0.014]
                "radius": 0.057
                - "center": [-0.121, -0.0, 0.006]
                "radius": 0.057
                - "center": [-0.206, 0.001, 0.007]
                "radius": 0.057
                - "center": [-0.312, -0.001, 0.006]
                "radius": 0.056
                - "center": [-0.057, 0.003, 0.008]
                "radius": 0.065
                - "center": [-0.266, 0.0, 0.006]
                "radius": 0.057
                - "center": [-0.397, -0.001, -0.018]
                "radius": 0.052
                - "center": [-0.164, -0.0, 0.007]
                "radius": 0.057
                - "center": [-0.0, 0.0, -0.009]
                "radius": 0.047
                - "center": [-0.0, 0.0, -0.052]
                "radius": 0.047
                - "center": [-0.002, 0.027, -0.001]
                "radius": 0.045
                - "center": [0.001, -0.01, 0.0]
                "radius": 0.046
                - "center": [0.0, -0.01, -0.001]
                "radius": 0.047
                - "center": [0.0, 0.008, -0.001]
                "radius": 0.047
                - "center": [0.001, -0.001, -0.036]
                "radius": 0.047
                - "center": [0.001, -0.03, -0.0]
                "radius": 0.047
                - "center": [0.001, 0.001, -0.029]
                "radius": 0.043

        collision_sphere_buffer: 0.005
        extra_collision_spheres: {}
        self_collision_ignore: {
        "upper_arm_link": ["forearm_link", "shoulder_link"],
        "forearm_link": ["wrist_1_link", "wrist_2_link", "wrist_3_link"],
        "wrist_1_link": ["wrist_2_link","wrist_3_link"],
        "wrist_2_link": ["wrist_3_link"],
        self_collision_buffer: {'upper_arm_link': 0,
        'forearm_link': 0,
        'wrist_1_link': 0,
        'wrist_2_link': 0,
        'wrist_3_link' : 0,

        use_global_cumul: True
        mesh_link_names: null # List[str]

            joint_names: ['shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint']
            retract_config:  [-1.57, -2.2, 1.9, -1.383, -1.57, 0.00]
            null_space_weight:  [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
            cspace_distance_weight: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
            max_jerk: 500.0
            max_acceleration: 15.0

Additional Configurations

1. If your robot has a gripper attached and you want to fix them at a specific configuration (e.g., do not want to plan for the grippers joints), you can add them to lock_joints tag. As an example, for the Franka Panda we set the fingers to fully open with lock_joints: {"panda_finger_joint1": 0.04, "panda_finger_joint2": -0.04}

Test Robot Configuration

  1. Run omni_python curobo/examples/isaac_sim/ --robot /{PATH}/ur5e.yml --visualize_spheres to start isaac sim with the configured robot. Replace PATH with the path to your file.

  2. Click Play and move the red cube to enable motion generation for the robot. You should see behavior similar to Motion Generation.