curobo.cuda_robot_model.cuda_robot_model module

This module builds a kinematic representation of a robot on the GPU and provides differentiable mapping from it’s joint configuration to Cartesian pose of it’s links (forward kinematics). This module also computes the position of the spheres of the robot as part of the forward kinematics function.

class CudaRobotModelConfig(
tensor_args: TensorDeviceType,
link_names: List[str],
kinematics_config: KinematicsTensorConfig,
self_collision_config: SelfCollisionKinematicsConfig | None = None,
kinematics_parser: KinematicsParser | None = None,
compute_jacobian: bool = False,
use_global_cumul: bool = True,
generator_config: CudaRobotGeneratorConfig | None = None,

Bases: object

Configuration for robot kinematics on GPU.

Helper functions are provided to load this configuration from an URDF file or from a cuRobo robot configuration file (Configuring a New Robot). To create from a XRDF, use curobo.util.xrdf_utils.convert_xrdf_to_curobo.

tensor_args: TensorDeviceType

Device and floating point precision to use for kinematics.

Names of links to compute poses with forward kinematics.

kinematics_config: KinematicsTensorConfig

Tensors representing kinematics of the robot. This can be created using CudaRobotGenerator.

self_collision_config: SelfCollisionKinematicsConfig | None = None

Collision pairs to ignore when computing self collision between spheres across all robot links. This also contains distance threshold between spheres pairs and which thread indices for calculating the distances. More details on computing these parameters is in _build_collision_model.

kinematics_parser: KinematicsParser | None = None

Parser to load kinematics from URDF or USD files. This is used to load kinematics representation of the robot. This is created using KinematicsParser. USD is an experimental feature and might not work for all robots.

compute_jacobian: bool = False

Output jacobian during forward kinematics. This is not implemented. The forward kinematics function does use Jacobian during backward pass. What’s not supported is

use_global_cumul: bool = True

Store transformation matrix of every link during forward kinematics call in global memory. This helps speed up backward pass as we don’t need to recompute the transformation matrices. However, this increases memory usage and also slightly slows down forward kinematics. Enabling this is recommended for getting the best performance.

generator_config: CudaRobotGeneratorConfig | None = None

Generator config used to create this robot kinematics model.

get_joint_limits() JointLimits

Get limits of actuated joints of the robot.


Joint limits of the robot’s actuated joints.

Return type:


static from_basic_urdf(
urdf_path: str,
base_link: str,
ee_link: str,
tensor_args: TensorDeviceType = TensorDeviceType(device=device(type='cuda', index=0), dtype=torch.float32, collision_geometry_dtype=torch.float32, collision_gradient_dtype=torch.float32, collision_distance_dtype=torch.float32),
) CudaRobotModelConfig

Load a cuda robot model from only urdf. This does not support collision queries.

  • urdf_path – Path of urdf file.

  • base_link – Name of base link.

  • ee_link – Name of end-effector link.

  • tensor_args – Device to load robot model. Defaults to TensorDeviceType().


cuda robot model configuration.

Return type:


static from_basic_usd(
usd_path: str,
usd_robot_root: str,
base_link: str,
ee_link: str,
tensor_args: TensorDeviceType = TensorDeviceType(device=device(type='cuda', index=0), dtype=torch.float32, collision_geometry_dtype=torch.float32, collision_gradient_dtype=torch.float32, collision_distance_dtype=torch.float32),
) CudaRobotModelConfig

Load a cuda robot model from only urdf. This does not support collision queries.

  • urdf_path – Path of urdf file.

  • base_link – Name of base link.

  • ee_link – Name of end-effector link.

  • tensor_args – Device to load robot model. Defaults to TensorDeviceType().


cuda robot model configuration.

Return type:


static from_content_path(
content_path: ContentPath,
ee_link: str | None = None,
tensor_args: TensorDeviceType = TensorDeviceType(device=device(type='cuda', index=0), dtype=torch.float32, collision_geometry_dtype=torch.float32, collision_gradient_dtype=torch.float32, collision_distance_dtype=torch.float32),
) CudaRobotModelConfig

Load robot from Contentpath containing paths to robot description files.

  • content_path – Path to robot configuration files.

  • ee_link – End-effector link name. If None, it is read from the file.

  • tensor_args – Device to load robot model, defaults to cuda:0.


cuda robot model configuration.

Return type:


static from_robot_yaml_file(
file_path: str | Dict,
ee_link: str | None = None,
tensor_args: TensorDeviceType = TensorDeviceType(device=device(type='cuda', index=0), dtype=torch.float32, collision_geometry_dtype=torch.float32, collision_gradient_dtype=torch.float32, collision_distance_dtype=torch.float32),
urdf_path: str | None = None,
) CudaRobotModelConfig

Load robot from a yaml file that is in cuRobo’s format (Configuring a New Robot).

  • file_path – Path to robot configuration file (yml or xrdf).

  • ee_link – End-effector link name. If None, it is read from the file.

  • tensor_args – Device to load robot model, defaults to cuda:0.

  • urdf_path – Path to urdf file. This is required when loading a xrdf file.


cuda robot model configuration.

Return type:


static from_data_dict(
data_dict: Dict[str, Any],
tensor_args: TensorDeviceType = TensorDeviceType(device=device(type='cuda', index=0), dtype=torch.float32, collision_geometry_dtype=torch.float32, collision_gradient_dtype=torch.float32, collision_distance_dtype=torch.float32),
) CudaRobotModelConfig

Load robot from a dictionary containing data for CudaRobotGeneratorConfig.

:tut_robot_configuration discusses the data required to load a robot.

  • data_dict – Input dictionary containing robot configuration.

  • tensor_args – Device to load robot model, defaults to cuda:0.


cuda robot model configuration.

Return type:


static from_config(
config: CudaRobotGeneratorConfig,
) CudaRobotModelConfig

Create a robot model configuration from a generator configuration.


config – Input robot generator configuration.


robot model configuration.

Return type:


property cspace: CSpaceConfig

Get cspace parameters of the robot.

property dof: int

Get the number of actuated joints (degrees of freedom) of the robot

class CudaRobotModelState(
ee_position: Tensor,
ee_quaternion: Tensor,
lin_jacobian: Tensor | None = None,
ang_jacobian: Tensor | None = None,
links_position: Tensor | None = None,
links_quaternion: Tensor | None = None,
link_spheres_tensor: Tensor | None = None,
link_names: str | None = None,

Bases: object

Kinematic state of robot.

ee_position: Tensor

End-effector position stored as x,y,z in meters [b, 3]. End-effector is defined by CudaRobotModel.ee_link.

ee_quaternion: Tensor

End-effector orientaiton stored as quaternion qw, qx, qy, qz [b,4]. End-effector is defined by CudaRobotModel.ee_link.

lin_jacobian: Tensor | None = None

Linear Jacobian. Currently not supported.

ang_jacobian: Tensor | None = None

Angular Jacobian. Currently not supported.

Position of links specified by link_names (CudaRobotModel.link_names).

Quaternions of links specified by link names (CudaRobotModel.link_names).

Position of spheres specified by collision spheres (CudaRobotModel.robot_spheres) in x, y, z, r format [b,n,4].

Names of links that each index in links_position and links_quaternion corresponds to.

property ee_pose: Pose

Get end-effector pose as a Pose object.

Get spheres representing robot geometry as a tensor with [batch,4], [x,y,z,radius].

Deprecated, use link_poses.

Get link poses as a dictionary of link name to Pose object.

class CudaRobotModel(
config: CudaRobotModelConfig,

Bases: CudaRobotModelConfig

CUDA Accelerated Robot Model

Load basic kinematics from an URDF with from_basic_urdf. Check Configuring a New Robot for details on how to also create a geometric representation of the robot. Currently dof is created only for links that we need to compute kinematics. E.g., for robots with many serial chains, add all links of the robot to get the correct dof. This is not an issue if you are loading collision spheres as that will cover the full geometry of the robot.

Initialize kinematics instance with a robot model configuration.


config – Input robot model configuration.

batch_size: int,
force_update: bool = False,
reset_buffers: bool = False,

Update batch size of the robot model.

  • batch_size – Batch size to update the robot model.

  • force_update – Detach gradients of tensors. This is not supported.

  • reset_buffers – Recreate the tensors even if the batch size is same.

) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, None, None, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]

Compute forward kinematics of the robot.

Use get_state to get a structured output.

  • q – Joint configuration of the robot. Shape should be [batch_size, dof].

  • link_name – Name of link to return pose of. If None, returns end-effector pose.

  • calculate_jacobian – Calculate jacobian of the robot. Not supported.


End-effector position, end-effector quaternion (wxyz), linear jacobian(None), angular jacobian(None), link positions, link quaternion (wxyz), link spheres.

Return type:

Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, None, None, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]

q: Tensor,
link_name: str | None = None,
calculate_jacobian: bool = False,
) CudaRobotModelState

Get kinematic state of the robot by computing forward kinematics.

  • q – Joint configuration of the robot. Shape should be [batch_size, dof].

  • link_name – Name of link to return pose of. If None, returns end-effector pose.

  • calculate_jacobian – Calculate jacobian of the robot. Not supported.


Kinematic state of the robot.

Return type:


js: JointState,
link_name: str | None = None,
calculate_jacobian: bool = False,
) CudaRobotModelState

Compute forward kinematics of the robot.

  • js – Joint state of robot.

  • link_name – Name of link to return pose of. If None, returns end-effector pose.

  • calculate_jacobian – Calculate jacobian of the robot. Not supported.


Kinematic state of the robot.

Return type:


Get meshes of all links of the robot.


List of all link meshes.

Return type:


q: Tensor,
) List[Mesh]

Transform robot links to Cartesian poses using forward kinematics and return as meshes.


q – Joint configuration of the robot, shape should be [1, dof].


List of all link meshes.

Return type:


q: Tensor,
filter_valid: bool = True,
) List[Sphere]

Get robot spheres using forward kinematics on given joint configuration q.

  • q – Joint configuration of the robot, shape should be [1, dof].

  • filter_valid – Filter out spheres with radius <= 0.


List of all robot spheres.

Return type:


Get Pose of links at given joint configuration q using forward kinematics.

Note that only the links specified in :var:`~link_names` are returned.

  • q – Joint configuration of the robot, shape should be [batch_size, dof].

  • link_names – Names of links to get pose of. This should be a subset of :var:`~link_names`.


Poses of links at given joint configuration.

Return type:


q: torch.Tensor,
) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]

Compute forward kinematics on GPU. Use get_state or forward instead.


q – Joint configuration of the robot, shape should be [batch_size, dof].


Link positions, link quaternions, link

Return type:

Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]

property all_articulated_joint_names: List[str]

Names of all articulated joints of the robot.

get_self_collision_config() SelfCollisionKinematicsConfig

Get self collision configuration parameters of the robot.

Get mesh of a link of the robot.

Get pose offset of a link from it’s parent joint.


link_name – Name of link to get pose of.


Pose of the link.

Return type:


Get offset pose of all links with respect to their parent joint.

get_dof() int

Get degrees of freedom of the robot.

property dof: int

Degrees of freedom of the robot.

property joint_names: List[str]

Names of actuated joints.

property total_spheres: int

Number of spheres used to approximate robot geometry.

property lock_jointstate: JointState

State of joints that are locked in the kinematic representation.

js: JointState,
) JointState

Get state of all joints, including locked joints.

This function will not provide state of mimic joints. If you need mimic joints, use get_mimic_js.


js – State containing articulated joints.


State of all joints.

Return type:


js: JointState,
) JointState

Get state of mimic joints from active joints.

Current implementation uses a for loop over joints to calculate the state. This can be optimized by using a custom CUDA kernel or a matrix multiplication.


js – State containing articulated joints.


State of active, locked, and mimic joints.

Return type:


new_kin_config: KinematicsTensorConfig,

Update kinematics representation of the robot.

A kinematics representation can be updated with new parameters. Some parameters that could require updating are state of locked joints, when a robot grasps an object. Another instance is when using different planners for different parts of the robot, example updating the state of robot base or another arm. Updations should result in the same tensor dimensions, if not then the instance of this class requires reinitialization.


new_kin_config – New kinematics representation of the robot.

joint_state: JointState,
external_objects: List[Obstacle],
surface_sphere_radius: float = 0.001,
link_name: str = 'attached_object',
sphere_fit_type: SphereFitType = SphereFitType.VOXEL_VOLUME_SAMPLE_SURFACE,
voxelize_method: str = 'ray',
world_objects_pose_offset: Pose | None = None,
) bool

Attach external objects to a robot’s link. See Geometry Approximation to Spheres for details.

  • joint_state – Joint state of the robot.

  • external_objects – List of external objects to attach to the robot.

  • surface_sphere_radius – Radius (in meters) to use for points sampled on surface of the object. A smaller radius will allow for generating motions very close to obstacles.

  • link_name – Name of the link (frame) to attach the objects to. The assumption is that this link does not have any geometry and all spheres of this link represent attached objects.

  • sphere_fit_type – Sphere fit algorithm to use. See Geometry Approximation to Spheres for more details. The default method SphereFitType.VOXEL_VOLUME_SAMPLE_SURFACE voxelizes the volume of the objects and adds spheres representing the voxels, then samples points on the surface of the object, adds surface_sphere_radius to these points. This should be used for most cases.

  • voxelize_method – Method to use for voxelization, passed to trimesh.voxel.creation.voxelize.

  • world_objects_pose_offset – Offset to apply to the object poses before attaching to the robot. This is useful when attaching an object that’s in contact with the world. The offset is applied in the world frame before attaching to the robot.

End-effector link of the robot. Changing requires reinitializing this class.

Base link of the robot. Changing requires reinitializing this class.

property robot_spheres

Spheres representing robot geometry.

property retract_config: Tensor

Retract configuration of the robot. Use joint_names to get joint names.

compute_jacobian: bool = False

Output jacobian during forward kinematics. This is not implemented. The forward kinematics function does use Jacobian during backward pass. What’s not supported is

property cspace: CSpaceConfig

Get cspace parameters of the robot.

static from_basic_urdf(
urdf_path: str,
base_link: str,
ee_link: str,
tensor_args: TensorDeviceType = TensorDeviceType(device=device(type='cuda', index=0), dtype=torch.float32, collision_geometry_dtype=torch.float32, collision_gradient_dtype=torch.float32, collision_distance_dtype=torch.float32),
) CudaRobotModelConfig

Load a cuda robot model from only urdf. This does not support collision queries.

  • urdf_path – Path of urdf file.

  • base_link – Name of base link.

  • ee_link – Name of end-effector link.

  • tensor_args – Device to load robot model. Defaults to TensorDeviceType().


cuda robot model configuration.

Return type:


static from_basic_usd(
usd_path: str,
usd_robot_root: str,
base_link: str,
ee_link: str,
tensor_args: TensorDeviceType = TensorDeviceType(device=device(type='cuda', index=0), dtype=torch.float32, collision_geometry_dtype=torch.float32, collision_gradient_dtype=torch.float32, collision_distance_dtype=torch.float32),
) CudaRobotModelConfig

Load a cuda robot model from only urdf. This does not support collision queries.

  • urdf_path – Path of urdf file.

  • base_link – Name of base link.

  • ee_link – Name of end-effector link.

  • tensor_args – Device to load robot model. Defaults to TensorDeviceType().


cuda robot model configuration.

Return type:


static from_config(
config: CudaRobotGeneratorConfig,
) CudaRobotModelConfig

Create a robot model configuration from a generator configuration.


config – Input robot generator configuration.


robot model configuration.

Return type:


static from_content_path(
content_path: ContentPath,
ee_link: str | None = None,
tensor_args: TensorDeviceType = TensorDeviceType(device=device(type='cuda', index=0), dtype=torch.float32, collision_geometry_dtype=torch.float32, collision_gradient_dtype=torch.float32, collision_distance_dtype=torch.float32),
) CudaRobotModelConfig

Load robot from Contentpath containing paths to robot description files.

  • content_path – Path to robot configuration files.

  • ee_link – End-effector link name. If None, it is read from the file.

  • tensor_args – Device to load robot model, defaults to cuda:0.


cuda robot model configuration.

Return type:


static from_data_dict(
data_dict: Dict[str, Any],
tensor_args: TensorDeviceType = TensorDeviceType(device=device(type='cuda', index=0), dtype=torch.float32, collision_geometry_dtype=torch.float32, collision_gradient_dtype=torch.float32, collision_distance_dtype=torch.float32),
) CudaRobotModelConfig

Load robot from a dictionary containing data for CudaRobotGeneratorConfig.

:tut_robot_configuration discusses the data required to load a robot.

  • data_dict – Input dictionary containing robot configuration.

  • tensor_args – Device to load robot model, defaults to cuda:0.


cuda robot model configuration.

Return type:


static from_robot_yaml_file(
file_path: str | Dict,
ee_link: str | None = None,
tensor_args: TensorDeviceType = TensorDeviceType(device=device(type='cuda', index=0), dtype=torch.float32, collision_geometry_dtype=torch.float32, collision_gradient_dtype=torch.float32, collision_distance_dtype=torch.float32),
urdf_path: str | None = None,
) CudaRobotModelConfig

Load robot from a yaml file that is in cuRobo’s format (Configuring a New Robot).

  • file_path – Path to robot configuration file (yml or xrdf).

  • ee_link – End-effector link name. If None, it is read from the file.

  • tensor_args – Device to load robot model, defaults to cuda:0.

  • urdf_path – Path to urdf file. This is required when loading a xrdf file.


cuda robot model configuration.

Return type:


generator_config: CudaRobotGeneratorConfig | None = None

Generator config used to create this robot kinematics model.

get_joint_limits() JointLimits

Get limits of actuated joints of the robot.


Joint limits of the robot’s actuated joints.

Return type:


kinematics_parser: KinematicsParser | None = None

Parser to load kinematics from URDF or USD files. This is used to load kinematics representation of the robot. This is created using KinematicsParser. USD is an experimental feature and might not work for all robots.

self_collision_config: SelfCollisionKinematicsConfig | None = None

Collision pairs to ignore when computing self collision between spheres across all robot links. This also contains distance threshold between spheres pairs and which thread indices for calculating the distances. More details on computing these parameters is in _build_collision_model.

use_global_cumul: bool = True

Store transformation matrix of every link during forward kinematics call in global memory. This helps speed up backward pass as we don’t need to recompute the transformation matrices. However, this increases memory usage and also slightly slows down forward kinematics. Enabling this is recommended for getting the best performance.

tensor_args: TensorDeviceType

Device and floating point precision to use for kinematics.

Names of links to compute poses with forward kinematics.

kinematics_config: KinematicsTensorConfig

Tensors representing kinematics of the robot. This can be created using CudaRobotGenerator.